Our Story
The Antelope Hills Christian Church is a small town church that has been serving the southwest Minnesota area since the late 1800’s. The little church on the hill has been a place of worship for many families since the pioneer days, and for several years we have been faithfully and expectantly working toward plans of moving our church location to the town of Canby, MN, and we are exceedingly grateful to the Lord for how He has provided for us through this entire process. We are so excited to be seeing His blessings come to fruition and are now meeting in our new church building on Hwy. 13, on the north side of Canby. As a church body, we are thrilled about this opportunity to increase our visibility and connection to the community; improve accessibility to ministries and services, especially for the area youth; and move into a larger and more functional facility to support congregational and community growth! We would be honored to have you join us and encourage you to come see what the Lord is doing in our corner of the world!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am.